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Facebook Pixel Integration (GTM)
Updated over a week ago

The Facebook Pixel allows website owners to gain insight into the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns on Facebook and Instagram, as well as actions users take after clicking on a Facebook or Instagram advertisement.

If your website or app uses Facebook Pixel, you will need to integrate with Enzuzo's consent management to ensure that you remain compliant with global privacy laws.

Enzuzo offers two options to ensure that your Facebook Pixel usage remains compliant.

Google Tag Manager

This approach is recommended for users who use our GTM (Google Tag Manager) integration and are willing to load Facebook Pixel through GTM.

  1. If you haven't already, follow the instructions here to configure our GTM integration.

  2. Add the Facebook Pixel by copying the script provided by Facebook into a Custom HTML tag in GTM.

  3. Configure your new Custom HTML tag by following the instructions under "Configure Third Party Scripts" in the GTM documentation above. You should use the GTM consent categories that correspond to "Marketing" and "Analytics".

Script auto-blocking

This approach is recommended for users that do not load their Facebook Pixel through Google Tag Manager, or who are not using our GTM integration.

  1. Ensure that script auto-blocking is enabled by following the instructions here. If you wish to set up auto-blocking for the Facebook Pixel, auto-blocking="allow" is recommended, since this will not interfere with other scripts on your page.

  2. Categorize the script provided by Facebook by adding the correct attributes:

    <script ez-type="cb" ez-cb-id="fb-pixel" ez-cb-cat="marketing">
    ... Facebook Pixel code...

    For more information on supported attributes, see the instructions above.

Following one of these approaches will ensure that your Facebook Pixel remains compliant with global privacy law and respects the choices customers make on the Enzuzo cookie banner.

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