The Enzuzo Cookie Banner provides additional capabilities that can be configured manually, giving full control to the behaviour of the website. One of the main features is the ability to automatically block and categorize third party scripts.
Enabling Auto Blocking
Setting up the cookie banner is the same as usual with the following requirements:
the cookie banner script should be in the <head> section of the HTML and that it should be placed before any scripts that you want to block. The cookie banner cannot block scripts that are run before the cookie banner itself.
the script attribute
is added to the script tag. Here is an example.<script auto-blocking="true" src=""></script>
will block all scripts by default, unless their category has been allowed.Setting
will allow uncategorized scripts to run without being blocked.
Categorizing Third-Party Scripts
For each script, you can define their category, description, and translations. The following is a list of attributes that can be defined for each script.
Attribute Name | Description |
ez-type | The type - should always be "cb" for the cookie banner. |
ez-cb-id | Script ID - can be anything unique |
ez-cb-cat | The category of the script. Should be one of "functional", "marketing", "analytics", or "preferences". We may support additional categories in the future. |
ez-cb-desc | The description for this script |
ez-cb-desc-{{locale}} | Locale specific description, such as ez-cb-desc-fr for French. |
Here are is an example of loading Google Analytics.
<script async ez-type="cb" ez-cb-id="ga" ez-cb-cat="analytics" ez-cb-desc="Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic" src=""></script>
Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic.
Running JS code on consent
You can configure the cookie banner to run custom JS code to handle consent lifecycles, by adding a script before our cookie banner is loaded. The following script is an example where the cookie cookie-status-analytics
reflects the consent status of the analytics category.
function onAnalyticsConsentChange({ analytics, functional, marketing, preferences }) {
const expiry = new Date( + 365 * 864e5)
document.cookie = `cookie-status-analytics=${analytics};
expires=${expiry}; path=/; domain=${location.hostname}`
function onAcceptSelected({ analytics, functional, marketing, preferences }) {
console.debug('[Enuzuzo API]: callbacks.onAcceptSelected', { analytics, functional, marketing, preferences })
onAnalyticsConsentChange({ analytics, functional, marketing, preferences })
function onAcceptAll({ analytics, functional, marketing, preferences }) {
console.debug('[Enuzuzo API]: callbacks.onAcceptAll', { analytics, functional, marketing, preferences })
onAnalyticsConsentChange({ analytics, functional, marketing, preferences })
function onDecline({ analytics, functional, marketing, preferences }) {
console.debug('[Enuzuzo API]: callbacks.onDecline', { analytics, functional, marketing, preferences })
onAnalyticsConsentChange({ analytics, functional, marketing, preferences })
function onInit({ analytics, functional, marketing, preferences }) {
console.debug('[Enuzuzo API]: callbacks.onInit', { analytics, functional, marketing, preferences })
onAnalyticsConsentChange({ analytics, functional, marketing, preferences })
window.__enzuzoConfig = {
callbacks: {
acceptSelected: onAcceptSelected,
acceptAll: onAcceptAll,
decline: onDecline,
init: onInit
<script src=""></script>
The c
argument passed to each callback contains information about the categories consented to by the user, in the following structure:
functional: boolean | null
analytics: boolean | null
preferences: boolean | null
marketing: boolean | null
hostname: string
Override banner mode
You can use the following script to override the banner mode determined by your regional settings. The script must be included before the cookie banner embed code.
window.__enzuzoConfig = window.__enzuzoConfig ?? {}
window.__enzuzoConfig.bannerMode = 'dontshow' // or 'optin' or 'optout'
Custom button configurations based on banner mode
Using the following script, you will be able to configure the consent button options depending on the banner consent mode. The script must be included before the cookie banner embed code. You can define what buttons to hide based on which consent mode. The following script will hide the accept and decline buttons when the consent mode is set to opt-out or don't show.
window.__enzuzo = window.__enzuzo ?? {};
window.__enzuzo.hideButtons = window.__enzuzo.hideButtons ?? {};
window.__enzuzo.hideButtons = { accept: ['optout', 'dontshow'], decline: ['optout', 'dontshow'] };
Custom cookie preferences button
Adding the data-ez-show-preferences
attribute to a DOM element will open the cookie preferences when that element is clicked.
<div class="btn btn-primary" ez-show-preferences>
Show Preferences